Praising our Heavenly Father for creating the special gift for us: The Sabbath Day!
This “Sabbath Day Countdown” backpack was inspired by Genesis 2:1-2: “Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.” This beautiful illustration represents the creation days. From the first day of the week till the seventh, we see His creation of light, oceans, flowers, eagles, rabbits, and family. With music, fellowship and a beautiful rainbow, the final row- the SPECIAL row- illustrates the joy and delight in the best day created: The Sabbath!
Who can you bless with this delightful Sabbath Backpack?
This would be the cutest present for every member in your family! Or surprise that wonderful family who immediately came to mind when you saw this matching set! Be a witness: Testify of God’s Special weekly date with your family! This Sabbath backpack will make your packing and long journey all the more exciting! And it will be your family’s favorite Sabbath ministry backpack! Remember friends, carry them with a happy smile! 😊
* Dada, Mama, and son are pictured in this design